La storia “eccitante” di Palazzo Moroni

La storia “eccitante” di Palazzo Moroni

FAI (Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano ETS) and Fondazione Museo di Palazzo Moroni – on the occasion of the event “Bergamo Brescia Capital of Italian Culture2023” – inaugurate Palazzo Moroni.

After the opening of the Italian gardens and the ortaglia in June 2020, in themidst of the pandemic that had hit the city, and of four rooms with beautiful baroque frescoes in September 2021 – as part ofthe celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the birth of Giovanni BattistaMoroni, whose rooms preserve the masterpieces – the seventeenth-century palacein the heart of the Upper Town opens integrally from Wednesday, November 22,2023. On this occasion, five new rooms complete the tour – the Yellow Room, thePink Room, the Blue Room, the Chinese Living Room and the Turkish Room – andthe mezzanine, the small apartment used until 2009 by Count Antonio Moroni, thelast inhabitant of the residence.

With the opening, new areas are madeavailable: spaces and reception services, room cards, podcasts to accompany thevisit and a video-story to learn about the history of the building, the familywho lived in it and its relationship with the territory.