“The sea in Milan” won the compasso d’oro award 2020!

“The sea in Milan” won the compasso d’oro award 2020!

We are pleased to inform you that the international jury of the XXVI Compasso d’Oro ADI awarded the Compasso d’Oro for the category Exhibition Design to the project “Il mare a Milano” designed by NEO [Narrative Environments Operas] for Sanlorenzo, one of the main shipyard in the world for the production of yachts and superyachts.
The international jury met March 5th and 6th, received the documentation, examined the products, processes and services collected and exhibited at the hub, concluded the works and awarded 18 Compasso d ‘Oro Awards and 38 Honorable Mentions.
The Compasso d′Oro was set up in 1954, and now it is the highest honor in the industrial designing circle in Italy, as famous as the first grade international awards. Born from an idea of Gio Ponti, It was the first award of its kind and soon took on an international dimension and relevance. At present the management department of the Compasso d’Oro is Italy Industrial Designing Association, and it is also the members of the International Industrial Designing Committee and the European Designing Bureau.
Since 2020 all the winners became part of the permanent collection of the ADI Design Museum.
A special thank all those who took part to it and to Sanlorenzo for having chosen our project and for the trust placed in us.
More info:
The winner project: