Adi Design Index 2022

Adi Design Index 2022

We are thrilled to inform you that the Permanent Observatory of Design ADI has selected for publication on the ADI Design Index 2022 the exhibition “Franco Maria Ricci, Umberto Eco. Labirinti. Storia di un segno” produced by the Franco Maria Ricci Foundation and curated by Edoardo Pepino and Giovanni Mariotti and designed by NEO [Narrative Environments Operas].

The ADI Design Index 2022 is the first volume of the biennial cycle that collects products that could join the Compasso d’Oro Award ADI 2024. This is therefore a very significant result.

The Compasso d’Oro Award, created in 1954 by “La Rinascente” and then donated to the ADI, which continuously manages it since 1956, is the most prestigious recognition of the quality of production and design of goods, services, processes and systems of Italian design. The award, which collects award-winning products, has generated the largest historical design collection, declared in 2004 “an asset of national interest” (D.M. 22.04.2004).

The ADI Design Index has also become, since 2009, an annual selection for the National Award for Innovation (“Award of Prizes”), sponsored by the Presidency of the Republic. This important Award sees every year the identification by ADI of three significant products from the point of view of the specific theme of innovation, identified among those published on the ADI Design Index (Innovation Award ADI Design Index) It will then be awarded the prestigious “Prize of Prizes”.